Letter From the Editors

by Prime Editors

Dear readers,

Thank you for picking up prime’s first issue of 2017. The start of the new year has brought many changes – the United States has a new president, the sunny Los Angeles climate includes rainy days and the Daily Bruin office is now slightly smaller. With these changes come new stories and opportunities to reflect on past experiences and assess personal identities.

The stories in the following pages show the different worlds and perspectives of people at UCLA. We get a taste of the ongoing struggles faced by people who were formerly incarcerated and the changes they strive to make. We show how one uses art to explain the LGBTQ community to those who may not understand it. We uncover the thoughts that lie beneath a Muslim student’s hijab. We watch dancers explore beauty standards and internal emotions through choreography and read a testament to the almost-lost art of letter writing.

Additionally – not forgetting prime’s own traditions – we give you the tips needed to make a chocolatey dessert native to Vancouver Island and explore Echo Park, a small piece of LA’s geographic identity.

Though you may not identify personally with the stories we tell, we hope they give you new insight into our diverse and changing world.

With love,

Hayley McAvoy, Maryrose Kulick and Youngjun Park